Wee Gillis is a story about a little Scottish boy with a love for bagpipes. It is written by Munro Leaf.
You might know Munro Leaf! He also wrote Ferdinand the Bull, the beloved story about a bull who did not like to fight but only wanted to smell the flowers.
Which…..they made into a movie in 2017 and is totally different than the book! And of course it would be–how do you take a picture book and make it into a full length movie without adding a whole lot of stuff. But still cute and my kids liked it!
Munro Leaf also happened to write our manners book I read each morning during assembly. It was a random $1 find for me at a book sale and turned out to be a pretty great book! It used to be out of print but it now back in print.
So with the kids reading Ferdinand in the kinder class and Wee Gillis in the older kids, it felt like week 12 was Munro Leaf week! Which was a funny surprise! We also had another planned surprise coming at lunch. L’s daddy was going to come and play bagpipes! She didn’t even know!
She was so excited she was guessing all sorts of extravagant things, “Maybe it’s a bounce house!” LOL! Once she found out it was just her dad coming to play his bagpipes she said, “Oh. The surprise doesn’t seem like much of a surprise now.” At least you can count on her to be honest! 🙂
The rest of us, however, were very surprised and got to see bagpipes up close which was quite a treat. L’s dad even showed up how they worked and turned them inside out to see the lamb’s skin bag that fills with air. It was really pretty incredible! We got to her Amazing Grace and Auld Lang Syne. Which was perfect since it’s January and a new year! And of course Amazing Grace is good any day of the year! It was a real treat. Thank you K.M.!