We’ll take the National Latin Exam during latin classes and celebrate with lots of fun green food! You never know might happen during out St. Patrick Day parties! Surprises around every corner! And lots of green delicious food!
Classical Homeschool Curriculum
A Homeschool Community for Classical Educators
One of our students was chosen as the KBACH “Classical Next” student honoree musician and they gave her a live feature spot on air. She also gives a shout out to Excelsior (woot woot!) Way to go Kate! Watch her play so beautifully on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgRRqMYeJt0 or hear her interview on https://kbaq.org/classicalnext (scroll down to May 2023). Kate is the House Leader for Pegasus and Student of the Month. She blesses us every year by playing her violin for morning assembly or at one of our performances.
Excelsior Classical Homeschool Academy Community and Accountability We are a community that fosters friendships and spiritual growth and accountability for academic excellence. Open House We host our open house once a year in the spring as open enrollment begins. Join us for an in-person tour where you can meet the families and ask questions. Come visit and experience all that God is doing within our homeschooling community. The tour will begin at 10am. We will take a tour of all the classes, as well as have a Q&A time with Pauline, the director. Everyone Read More …