I’ve structured this page for those who like to piece together their own curriculum but I know there are a lot of people (seems like most I encounter) who just appreciate to find a trusted curriculum that will package it all together for them in a box for a reasonable price. If that is you, this is my best recommendation: Memoria Press Eighth Grade Classical Core Complete Set.

NOTE: If your child is new to latin read my article on latin placement and scroll to the end to find the chart on latin placement for older children. Students should complete Students should complete First, Second, and Third Form Latin before moving onto Fourth.
- Fourth Form Latin Text
- Fourth Form Latin Teacher Manual
- Fourth Form Latin Student Workbook
- Fourth Form Latin Quizzes & Tests
- Fourth Form Latin Workbook & Test Key
- Fourth Form Latin Pronunciation CD
- Fourth Form Latin DVDs
- Fourth Form Latin Flashcards
- Henle Latin I Text
- Henle Latin I Key
- Henle Latin I Grammar
Memoria Press Grammar is designed to be less time consuming than most grammars because you are getting a great deal of grammar learning in latin. This frees up a lot of time and my children have said they like this grammar more than any other they have done.
- Treasure Island
- Treasure Island Student Guide
- Treasure Island Teacher Guide
- The Wind in the Willows
- The Wind in the Willows Student Guide, Second Edition
- The Wind in the Willows Teacher Guide, Second Edition
- As You Like It
- As You Like It Student Guide
- As You Like It Teacher Guide
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Student Guide
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Teacher Guide
- The Iliad
- The Iliad Student Guide, Second Edition
- The Iliad Teacher Guide, Second Edition
- The Iliad DVDs
- The Odyssey
- The Odyssey Student Guide
- The Odyssey Teacher Guide
- The Odyssey DVDs
Classical Studies
- The Book of the Ancient Greeks
- The Book of the Ancient Greeks Student Guide
- The Book of the Ancient Greeks Teacher Guide
Christian Studies and Ancient Studies
This book covers the Exodus as well as the ancient world during that time.
- The Book of the Ancient World
- The Book of the Ancient World Student Guide
- The Book of the Ancient World Teacher Guide
- VideoText Algebra, Year One (Modules A-C)
- Novare Physical Science, Third Edition
- Novare Physical Science Resource CD
Classical Composition
If you are new to Memoria Press Classical Composition it is not recommended to start with level V. Take a look at this helpful Classical Composition Sequence Chart to get an idea of where you student should be at.
- Classical Composition V: Common Topic Student
- Classical Composition V: Common Topic Teacher
- Classical Composition V: Common Topic DVDs
Geography/Modern Studies
- Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature
- Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature Student Guide
- Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature Teacher Guide
Background Book on Shakespeare
(since they will be reading their first play in literature)
Supplements (if you’ve used Memoria Press before you may have these from prior years, otherwise order them because you’ll want them for the above–they do not come standard in the curriculum package):
If your child has completed the Greek Alphabet curriculum from 7th grade then this is a great year to begin First Form Greek – not included in the 8th grade curriculum package but can be added on additionally