- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
- Hamlet by William Shakespeare
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare
- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

I really like the literature study guides, they continue in the tradition of training students to read actively and the acquisition and expression of the Central One Idea of a story or poem. The Central One Idea is the message that the speaker intends to convey and the most important thing a student can learn to figure out.
The literature guides teach students to practice active reading and thinking, which leads to good writing; and with the these three to wisdom and virtue – the directed aim and purpose of the Upper School literature guides.

The poems covered in the above anthology:
Thomas Gray
“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
William Blake
- “The Tyger”
- “Piping Down the Valleys Wild”
- “The Lamb”
Robert Burns
- “A Red, Red Rose”
- “A Man’s a Man for A’ That”
- “To a Mouse”
- “Highland Mary”
- “Auld Lang Syne”
William Wordsworth
- “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
- “The World Is Too Much With Us”
- “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge”
- “It Is a Beauteous Evening”
- “London, 1802”
- “The Tables Turned (Let Nature Be Your Teacher)”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
- “Lord Byron”
- “She Walks in Beauty”
- “Untitled Poem”
Percy Bysshe Shelley
- “Love’s Philosophy”
- “Ozymandias”
John Keats
- “When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be”
- “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
- “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- “Sonnet”
- “Sonnet”
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
- “From the Passing of Arthur from Idylls of the King”
- “Crossing the Bar”
- “On His Stillborn Son”
Robert Browning
“Songs from Pippa Passes”
Emily Brontë
“To Imagination”
Matthew Arnold
- “Self-Dependence”
- “Memorial Verses”
Christina Rosetti
“A Better Resurrection”
Gerard Manley Hopkins
“Pied Beauty”
William Ernest Henley
Robert Louis Stevenson
- “The Land of Counterpane”
- “Foreign Lands”
- “Sing Me a Song of a Lad That Is Gone”
Rudyard Kipling
- “The Female of the Species”
- “Gunga Din”
- “Recessional”
John Masefield
- “Laugh and Be Merry”
- “A Consecration”
If your student is new to latin they should not begin here. Check out my article on latin placement and scroll to the end to find the chart on latin placement for older children.
Aenid’s Virgil – Designed to prepare students for the AP Test
Also get the accompanying Teacher’s Manual and Vocabulary Cards
Christian Apologetics and Metaphysics
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
There are lots of options – many states and colleges only require 3 years. If you would like to do a 4th year of science here are some great recommendations:
Memoria Press Anatomy Course (uses the Modern Biology Text from 9th Grade)
Apologia Sciences (designed to prepare students for the AP Test)
Classical Rhetoric

Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle is a guided tour through the first part of Aristotle’s Rhetoric (one of the greatest books ever written on communication). The student guide contains questions that will help the student unlock all the important aspects of the book such as analyses of great speeches. At the end of the course the student will have a competent knowledge of the basic classical principles of speech and writing.
- Aristotle’s Rhetoric (Principles of Persuasion)
- Student and Teacher guides
- Figures of Speech: 60 Ways to Turn a Phrase by Arthur Quinn
- How to Read a Book: The Classical Guide to Intelligent Reading by Mortimer Adler
Speeches To Be Read and Analyzed for Rhetoric
- The “Appeal of the Envoys to Achilles,” from Homer’s Iliad
- The “Apology of Socrates,” from the dialogue of Plato
- Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”
- Marc Antony’s “Funeral Oration” from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
Modern Studies
A Concise History of the American Republic
Pre-1615 life in North America through the post-Civil War Reconstruction years, ending in 1877