10th Grade

I’ve structured this page for those who like to piece together their own curriculum but I know there are a lot of people (seems like most I encounter) who just appreciate to find a trusted curriculum that will package it all together for them in a box for a discounted price. If that is you, this is my best recommendation: Memoria Press Tenth Grade Classical Core Complete Set.

10th grade classical curriculum
Memoria Press Complete Package for Tenth Grade


NOTE: If your child is new to latin read my article on latin placement and scroll to the end to find the chart on latin placement for older children. Students should complete First Form, Second Form, Third Form and Fourth Form latin as well as Henle II before moving on to Mueller’s Caesar (You can customize your complete package for tenth grade if needed through this link.)

Christian Studies and Bible

The books below are a continuation of the historical study of the Hebrew people that they have been learning to an investigation of the history of the Church. This was so evidently necessary to Christians of the fourth century that one of their own, Eusebius, the bishop of Caesarea, wrote the first book to recount the struggles and victories of the first followers of Christ. Students can now dedicate an entire year to learning the material those Christians began investigating almost 1,700 years ago.

In this course, Henry Chadwick’s The Early Church is used as the main text. Students are directed to Eusebius’ History of the Church when ancient testimony is appropriate.

Up to this point the students have read much of the Bible but never the Bible in its entirety. I recommend a 4 year study of the Bible (if they started in 9th they would be on year 2–(on google you can find plans for 3 years if they are just starting out). Here is a great resource that breaks the Bible into 4 years:

Classical Composition

If your child has never done classical composition it is recommended they start at Fable and move through at an accelerated pace until they get to this level, level 8. Take a look at this Classical Composition Sequence Chart to get an idea of how the progression should go at this level. (You can customize your complete package for tenth grade if needed through this link.)




Modern Studies


Poetry, Prose, Drama
