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PE is for homeschooling Christians who either participate in Excelsior or are friends of its members. For the safety of members any email I don’t know or recognize I will reach out to you for an interview through the email your provide.
Learn About Our PE

PE is free but occasionally members will be asked to donate towards a special more expensive piece of sports equipment (all donations are voluntary). Dads (or Moms!) who have have a passion for the sport will come and serve as “the coaches.” It has been a lot of fun!

We begin in October (weather permitting) and break mid-December and start again in January and finish at the beginning of May and take of all of summer off too. We begin again in October when the weather is a little cooler.
- To learn the basic techniques and strategies of a sport
- To learn how the sport is played
- Learn the correct sport terminology so they can converse with others about the sport
- Exercise, get outdoors, and be active!
- Foster wonderful homeschool relationships and build homeschool community
- Develop a lifelong love for activity and health
- Play and have fun!
- Kids need to mind coaches – 3 warnings and they have to sit out for rest of that day (mainly to keep it stress free for coach dads since I have roped them into this lol — I want them to have a good time). Warning can be from:
- not listening to coaches
- Messing around
- Treating the equipment badly in a way it is not meant to be treated
- Putting others or self in harm’s way
- Drop offs- I’m going to leave this up to parents discretion – at PE the moms can certainly sit back and chat and enjoy the morning at leisure or volunteer (if you like to play sports or teach – not required though!) or if you need to get grocery shopping done that’s fine too- just make sure you have kids that wouldn’t wander off. Assume the men are going to be focused on teaching and likely wouldn’t notice if a 4 yr old wandered off to climb a tree (they might notice…but let’s not put them in that kind of a position) so feel free to leave if you feel safe enough that your child will stay engaged and continue participating without you watching OR if you have a mom who has agreed to watch your little children for you.
- Invites- We are getting large so run it by me so I can check with the coaches (it will depend on the ages of the child/children in the family and how many we currently have at PE). We’re fine with inviting other families — let’s just keep it a very safe environment where moms can relax and not worry about what’s being said on the field when kids are out of ear shot—so only invite other Christian homeschooling families who you know well and share similar values of the group.
- Bathrooms- there are bathrooms and although this park feels small and safe – still at any park I’d feel safest if kids never went alone. Best plan is child to go with parent. Next best would be two other children (so a group of 3) all same gender (parent approval required).
- Water- bring water bottles with names clearly marked! Likely we all have the same ones from Costco 😆 don’t forget water even on cool days kids get so thirsty
- Lunches- if you want to stay for lunch be sure and clean up all trash after
- Cost – it’s free!
- Equipment Needs:
- Before each sport begins I’ll send out a needs list and between all of us we may never need to buy anything. So if you can lend any equipment for the 3 weeks we learn that sport it will help out so much.
- On a rare occasion we may ask for a small donation towards a larger more expensive piece of equipment that the group will use year after year – but that is at all times voluntary and not a requirement for participating in the group.