Meet the Parents Who Serve

This page is dedicated to the parents and teachers who invest their time and talents in bringing this co-op to life– cooperatively. We have lead teachers and assistant teachers at our co-op.

Highlands Latin Paradise Valley Cottage School Headmistress

Pauline Abello, Director and Teacher

Founder and Headmistress of Excelsior – established 2019

B.A. in Political Science and Christian Studies (emphasis in Biblical Languages- Greek and Hebrew), Grand Canyon University, 2005, Summa Cum Laude

Pauline is a passionate our sharing Jesus with the world and raising her children up to know Jesus and serve them all the days of their lives. For her, Excelsior is a not a business but a calling and a ministry, to come alongside parents and help raise up the next generation of children to know the Lord, to walk in truth and virtue, to think critically, defend the faith, and share the love of Jesus.

She has been married for since 2005 and she and her husband homeschool their 7 children classically, using Memoria Press curriculum. They are both born again Christians and attend Scottsdale Bible Church.

Derek Abello, Science Teacher, and PE Coach

Head PE Coach and High School Biology, Chemistry, Physics Teacher, 8th grade Physical Science

B.S. Life Sciences (Pre-Med) ASU, 2004

Derek is married to Pauline and they homeschool their 7 children. Derek owns his own businesses Abello Bees and DerekAbello SEO. Before he became a full time entrepreneur he taught High School Biology and Honors Biology at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, then they moved to Arizona and he taught Health and PE at a K-8 elementary school. He became a paramedic and full time fireman and was 1 of only 13 firefighters hired in the entire state of AZ in 2009, just after the economy crashed.

But the Lord was working to answer a prayer they had been praying for so long– to build a business together. The Lord would provide an income so they could be together as a family instead of Derek away at the fire station all the time. And also, He would use Derek to do a great work and help save the bees. So despite all worldly “reason” and “wisdom,” he followed the calling and left his secure job to start his Phoenix bee removal company. The Lord grew his company so that he could share the income with other homeschooling beekeepers and homeschooling work-at-home mothers. Together they have saved millions of bees!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Leeann D. – Teacher

Leeann is a mom of 5. She received her degree in New York. She is an actress and co-owner of an acting studio in Phoenix. She leads our preschool class, as well as assists with Prima Latina and 2nd grade Spelling. She is exceptionally musically talented and also teaches the primary grades music class.

Caitlin C. – Teacher

Caitlin is a mom of 3. A homeschool graduate herself she is an accomplished professional fitness teacher. She also is a wealth of knowledge of all things healthy and organic, from gardening, to gluten free cooking, and sourcing the highest quality nutritious foods. She is the lead second grade teacher as well as assists in first grade. In the later morning she lead teaches States and Capitals, and Astronomy. She assists her husband Matt, in teaching the Music Appreciation class.

Alexander Y. – Teacher

Alexander is a homeschool graduate the eldest of 11 children, his father a Baptist pastor of a family integrated church where he attends. He is newly married and owns his own business teaching dyslexic children. He himself overcame his own dyslexia and now helps others. He has a passion for the classics and humanities. He has taught Christian Studies I, Latina Christiana, Grammar, Composition, Traditional Logic I and II, Horatius at the Bridge, and upper level history and literature. He currently teaches Christian Studies II, Grammar I, Latina Christiana II, Medieval History, Church History, and High School literature.

Bridget E. – teacher

Bridget has such a sweet and kind disposition. She has four children. She has been homeschooling for many years, her oldest being in high school. She loves arts and crafts. She brings her creativity and loving heart to our kindergarten class.

Annette L. – Teacher

Annette has four children and loves the Lord. She has four children and serves in our preschool class. She also teaches Greek Myths and American History Literature for our fourth graders.

Matt C. – Teacher

Matt has a background in worship ministry. He leads our music appreciation class.

Nadine S. – (picture pending) – Nadine loves composition and poetry, she and her husband are business owners and cattle ranchers. She teaches in our third and sixth grade classes.