Excelsior Open House – March 17, 2025

Excelsior Classical Homeschool Academy Community and Accountability We are a community that fosters friendships and spiritual growth and accountability for academic excellence. Open House We host our open house once a year in the spring as open enrollment begins. Join us for an in-person tour where you can meet the families and ask questions. Come visit and experience all that God is doing within our homeschooling community. The tour will begin at 10am. We will take a tour of all the classes, as well as have a Q&A time with Pauline, the director. Everyone Read More …


Mother and Children”, Dutch interior family scene, oil on canvas, circa 1930

By Duffy Gibb Lately, choice has loomed large in our world. Whether its choosing what to make for dinner, what coursework gets done today or what candidate to vote for, choice is as human as breathing. Every day we are faced with choices beyond our imagining, choices that a few decades ago were unattainable , a few centuries unimaginable. We choose where we live, whom we marry, how we want to raise our families- all choices that just a few hundred years back or a few thousand miles away weren’t/aren’t Read More …

The Elimination of the Afternoon Decompression

a Sunday Afternoon on La Grande Jatte

(written by Anonymous guest poster) I started on this homeschool journey a mere 8 months ago. As a mother of 2 (an 8-year-old boy and 6-year-old girl) I was aware of the obvious benefits of homeschooling – more time spent as a family, slower start for the kids and customized curriculum to fit each child’s learning style to name a few. However, there was a benefit we experienced as parents that, strangely enough, I never read about on message boards or discussed with other homeschool moms. This benefit is one Read More …

One of Our Excelsior Students Honored on KBACH!

One of our students was chosen as the KBACH “Classical Next” student honoree musician and they gave her a live feature spot on air. She also gives a shout out to Excelsior (woot woot!) Way to go Kate! Watch her play so beautifully on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgRRqMYeJt0 or hear her interview on https://kbaq.org/classicalnext (scroll down to May 2023). Kate is the House Leader for Pegasus and Student of the Month. She blesses us every year by playing her violin for morning assembly or at one of our performances.

Excelsior Open House

Excelsior Classical Homeschool Academy Community and Accountability We are a community that fosters friendships and spiritual growth and accountability for academic excellence. Open House We host our open house once a year in the spring as open enrollment begins. Join us for an in-person tour where you can meet the families and ask questions. Come visit and experience all that God is doing within our homeschooling community. The tour will begin at 10am. We will take a tour of all the classes, as well as have a Q&A time with Pauline, the director. Everyone Read More …

Excelsior Scores Among the Highest in the Country for the National Latin Exam!

National Latin Exam Phoenix AZ

We did tremendously well and our students have much to be proud of. We had Summa Cum Laude students–one student with a perfect score, one that missed only one question, and several that received Magna Cum Laude and Cum Laude rankings. All of our students scored on average with the rest of the country if not far better! Interestingly, homeschoolers in general score better than those in public or private schools on the NLE. We give much credit to the accountability we receive at Excelsior, our wonderful teachers and moms, Read More …

Things I Have Learned in My Homeschool Journey

 by Lisa Serra Soon I will be retiring from this career to which I have devoted myself.  I began homeschooling my oldest son in 2002.  At that time, I had three children.  My path into homeschooling was circuitous like most of yours.  I had a precocious son who could read and understand math like a second grader but he couldn’t sit still for more than five minutes.  In the spring of 2002, my husband and I sat through kindergartens that were traditional, child-centered, Montessori, and one that was so esoteric Read More …

Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Weighs In

We submitted a request with questions after my last post to you all. They called my husband very promptly, excellent customer service. The big question on my mind was can ESA contract families continue to get HSLDA protection. I’m not willing to give that up. The answer is that you can continue to be HSLDA members with ESA contract status. The only thing is they won’t get involved with arguments over what is a qualified purchase. They said, “That’s between you and the state.” So if you buy curriculum and they say, “No, Read More …