I’ve structured this page for those who like to piece together their own curriculum but I know there are a lot of people (seems like most I encounter) who just appreciate to find a trusted curriculum that will package it all together for them in a box for a discounted price. If that is you, this is my best recommendation: Memoria Press Fifth Grade Classical Core Complete Set.

If you need to customize the above package that option is available here: 5th Grade Customizable Complete Package
For those eclectic folks who like a bit from this and a bit from that, look down below to get ideas from my best suggestions from varying different curriculums. All curriculums mentioned below I have used and loved.
Suggested Summer Reading
(before 6th grade): The Story of the World, Vol. 2
New User Add On Set
New to Memoria Press? You will need this New User Add-On Set (in addition to the core package above – most students would have already gotten these books in 3rd or 4th grade – they will all be used in 5th)

- Timeline Handbook
- Timeline Composition & Sketchbook
- Timeline Student Flashcards
- Timeline Wall Cards
- Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student
- Poetry for the Grammar Stage Teacher
- Poetry for the Grammar Stage Anthology
- English Grammar Recitation
- English Grammar Recitation Flashcards
- Golden Children’s Bible
- Old Testament Flashcards
- Memory Verse Flashcards
Curriculum Manual
- Fifth Grade Curriculum Manual – this is the most amazing done for you book of them all! Every lesson plan and what you should do daily already perfectly planned. Masterfully done and takes the guess work out of it (the manual includes every book mentioned below).
- First Form Latin Text
- First Form Latin Teacher Manual
- First Form Latin Student Workbook
- First Form Latin Quizzes & Tests
- First Form Latin Workbook & Test Key
- First Form Latin Ecclesiastical Pronunciation CD, Second Edition
- First Form Latin DVDs
- First Form Latin Vocabulary Flashcards, Second Edition
- Lingua Angelica Song Book
- Lingua Angelica Student
- Lingua Angelica Teacher
- Lingua Angelica CD
- Latin Grammar Recitation Flashcards & Handbook
Reading: Novels and Literature Guides
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Student Guide
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Teacher Guide
- Heidi
- Heidi Student Guide
- Heidi Teacher Guide
- Lassie Come-Home
- Lassie Come-Home Student Guide
- Lassie Come-Home Teacher Guide
Classical Studies
- Famous Men of Rome
- Famous Men of Rome Student Guide
- Famous Men of Rome Teacher Guide
- Famous Men of Rome Flashcards
- English Grammar Recitation II Student
- English Grammar Recitation II Teacher
- Core Skills Language Arts 5
Christian Studies
- Rod & Staff Grade 5 Math Student Book
- Rod & Staff Grade 5 Math Teacher Manual Part 1
- Rod & Staff Grade 5 Math Teacher Manual Part 2
- Rod & Staff Grade 5 Math Tests
- Rod & Staff Grade 5 Math Speed Drills
- The Book of Insects
- The Book of Insects Student Guide
- The Book of Insects Teacher Guide
- Peterson First Guide: Insects
Composition Placement
Students should complete Classical Composition I before moving on to Classical Composition II: Narrative. Please consult our Classical Composition Sequence Chart if you have any questions.
- Classical Composition II: Narrative Student
- Classical Composition II: Narrative Teacher
- Classical Composition II: Narrative DVDs
- United States Review Student Workbook
- United States Review Teacher Key. Quizzes, & Tests
- Geography I Text
- Geography I Student
- Geography I Teacher
- Geography Flashcards
These books are not included in the core curriculum package above but are used in the curriculum guide each week. You can purchase them for a discounted price through Memoria Press or find many of them at your local library.
Fifth Grade Read-Aloud Set
These years are a wonderful time to introduce to your child for the first time: Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Rudyard Kipling, as well as the storys of Shakespeare’s great plays in Charles and Mary Lamb’s classic Tales from Shakespeare. These are great books with truly classic, high quality content.

- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll *
- The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens *
- Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
- A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
- The Winged Watchman by Hilda Van Stockum
- Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry
- Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
- Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett
- The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford
- Black Beauty by Anna Sewell *
Fifth Grade American Studies Set
These books were carefully chosen to cover a variety of time periods and characters, and they are on a reading level for independent reading by students. Reading excellent novels is a great way to study American history as a young student. By reading such good books they immerse themselves in the lives and culture of those who have made history in America and it creates a lasting impact on their lives.

In grades 3-6 students will focus on geography in the Classical Core Curriculum because it is beneficial for them to know where the historical events are that they are studying in the context of one another. However, grammar school years are a great time to introduce American history too. These novels will be referenced weekly, at different times, in the Classical Core curriculum.
Fifth Grade Set Includes: